Maria del Carmen Sanchez
Theater song visual arts
Interactive audiovisual installation 2019
“Cartas sobre el mar” was built in 2013 and renovated in 2019 as an interactive audiovisual installation Based on 400 letters from Spanish immigrants who arrived in Argentina between 1880 and 1930.
General San Martín Theater, Buenos Aires, 2013.
The Night of the Museums., Galician Emigration Museum of Buenos Aires, 2014.
XXI Century Room Sponsored by the National Fund for the Arts, Secretary of Culture of Pinamar, 2020.
"The Scream, A Look at War" 2005
masks, photos, clay pots, music, intervened objects, and Napalm 1991 by John Berger.
Cultural Center of the Sanitá neighborhood, Napoli, Italy.
Sponsored by the Argentine Chancellery and the Naples Commune, 2005 Acquired by the Nápoli Sotterranea Foundation.
"Ab origine" 2004
Inspired by the Myth of the Fifth Sun of the Aztec culture of pre-Hispanic Mexico.
Masks, sculptures and intervened objects
Municipal Center of San Francisco, Bilbao
Cultural Center of Leioa Basque Country, 2004
Sala de CulturArte of the Secretary of Culture of the province of Jujuy, 2004. Valerio Calles Gallery, of the Bolivian Association of Plastic Artists, Bolivia, 2006.
MASKS Production technique Noh Theater Japan
Theater Research Center and Casa de África, Cuba, 2008.
Livorno Cultural Center, Italy, 2013.
“The territory mask of the extra-everyday”, ENTEPOLA 2014, Jujuy, Argentina.
Livorno cultural center, within the framework of its Masks exhibition, Italy, 2013.
Theoretical and practical workshops: "Making masks" technique of the Japanese Noh theater, Buenos As, 1994-95; "Los Duendes" masks and dolls, Cartapesta technique, Intercultural Center of artistic creation SAGA, Tilcara; "Construction of Masks" Cultural Center of the Sanitá neighborhood, Naples, Italy, 2005; "The face of the mythical" Center for Theater Research, Havana, 2008; "Construction of Masks", within the framework of the project The two wings of the butterfly, FNA 2008 Grant.
Made for Installation Letters on the sea.
Photomontages of current spaces, main ports of departure from Spain and arrival in Buenos Aires, with images of immigrants of the time, giving a phantamasgoric feeling of return.